Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So what are you dressing up as this year? I didn't have time to make a costume, though I think dressing as Lorena Bobbitt would send a certain message to the someone "special"....just kidding. I liked this photo I saw today. Great costume! I love Rene Magritte.
Previous years I've been: A tree with a witch crashed into it w/a don't drink & fly sign. A bag of groceries. A Firestone tire with my head sticking out of the blowout (during that recall), Dr. Evil & used my little sister as mini me. The floor of a movie theatre, a flower in a pot- I even stuck a fuzzy bee on my cheek! Last year I did a vampire because it was easy & I ordered the Lestat contacts. I just wanted an excuse to wear a spiked collar to work!!!! Plus the fangs I had were great..... So give me your all time favorites- even if it's only been someone you saw dressed up! I saw a great costume one year in the village parade. This guy was walking around in a clear casing with balloons inside. He was a lava lamp! Pretty cool....


Jimbo said...

I work with a bunch of computer geeks and I have not dressed up for Halloween in years. One dorks down stairs has dressed up a Hershey Kiss, another moron puts on his hop-a-long Casidy costume. There are a lot a very strange engineers working here. If you every wondered where those strange people you went to school with end up working, they are all here.

I was going to take my 14 year old daughter trick or treating tomorrow night, but it is not my night with her and her mom will not let her go. I will be home, in my Walter Matthau costume from Grumpy old men and hand out candy

NotANiceGirl said...

I've known a few engineers.... they are great people- just ask them! Sorry, had a few bad experiences. I do love computer geeks though for the most part. They are like big kids & great in small doses. I don't know if I would be OK with large groups though.
Sorry to hear that you won't have your daughter but I do love the Walter Matthau costume idea! I posted that reply BTW... very long but your details are there.

p0nk said...

i thought about putting together a Dwight Shrute ensemble, but i realized yesterday that our office manager has him cold without even trying.

i was a traffic cone one year, complete with tire tracks.

Jimbo said...

If you want a pain in the ass costume, maybe you should have J walk right behind you!! bahahahahaha

By the Walter Matthau costume, I just ment I was going to be myself. I get teased that I am going to be just like him when I get to be an old man. but I have another 40 years before I am an old man.

p0nk said...

jimbo? you're only 5?!

Jimbo said...

I am 12. Every time a cool breeze comes by and get a stiffy.

NotANiceGirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jimbo said...

So who chickened out of a comment?

p0nk said...

wasn't me.

Jimbo said...

So it was one of the girls!!!

NotANiceGirl said...

I deleted my comment. I was feeling a little guy shy

Jimbo said...

Why are you feeling guy shy? If you can tell the knee story to us, you should not feel shy about anything

NotANiceGirl said...

no biggie. i'm over it

Jimbo said...

I finally started uploading my Joshua Tree pictures to the Internet. I have the on fototime. com. If you go there and do a search on Joshua Tree you should find them. I will get a better link for you tomorrow. Work blocks my access to those kinds of sites. I have to do all of my uploading from home. It take a while to upload 8 MB files over DSL

NotANiceGirl said...

SWEET. I'll see if I can find them.

Eagle Eye said...

My best costumes were back when I was a kid. I was wonder woman one year,a belly dancer,a Geisha girl,a cowgirl of course,an old lady...Your costumes sound super creative NANG! I wish I knew and/or wanted to know how to sew:-)Although, they have nifty cloth glue and velcro now huh?