OK...I'm completely satisfied with the man in my bed, BUT there's always temptation. We have the real guys that we know (not ex sex) the untapped. The guys you know from everyday situations, like this one. He took on the Yukon, the Mississippi (picture), and the walked the entire Appalachian Trail for charity. All sponsored items & money were given to Cancer research & then the Yukon project funds went to Katrina charities. So mix that in with the fact that he's totally at one with nature, was a Royal Marine Commando, has that sexy British accent which makes most men at least 10% hotter. He's a great guy and an all around bad ass. Then we come to another real life piece
of temptation (have I mentioned that I'm a recovering cheat? 11.5 months monogamous ). He's just hanging off the CN Tower in Toronto at about 1,800 ft. as is it's no big deal. Then you add his sexy climber body and wonderful sarcastic humor. Oh and he always calls me darlin' but he may do that with all the ladies since he's from Texas. He's been in the Northeast long enough to have dropped any heavy accent so it's 100% pure charm.
Then there's the celebrity list as discussed on Friends. I could never laminate that list.... this week it's these 5 guys but next week it could be different. Does this make me a commitment phobe? So here goes for now & if anyone reads this, please feel free to share your 5:
I'm pretty solid on #'s 1-4 but it's so difficult to put someone into that final space. (Could be why I'm still single or at least not married)
So let's kick this off....Today's list
#1 . Josh Hartnett. He looks pretty earnest, and he reminds me of my ex who is adorable and hung like an elephant.
#2. Jason Statham. He's British. He's Handsome Rob. He was basically dipped in oil in The Transporter and that was all I needed....
#3. Ryan Reynolds. Blade Trinity. The humor
the chains & that cute little tattoo way down into his very low abdomen.

#4. Julian Mcmahon He plays Dr. Troy in Nip/Tuck & does so with such pure evil that I love it!
#5. This slot can't be filled.... I'm digging Channing Tatum these days. He's a bad actor but so damn sexy. Brad Pitt (pre Angelina) will always have a place in my heart after that Vanity Fair spread. I'm a bit "Team Aniston" but hey, you can't help who you love. If you try to fight it- well it is just a recipe for disaster.

The End (Brad's that is).....
so who are you on the fish?
NANG--I hope it isn't too late to apologize for being a catty bitch? I knew AFJ personally and I thought you were him for awhile and others thought I was him. It is like a soap opera! Anyway, if you want to add my blog to a link list (you can label it "catty bitch" if you want). Just go to "customize",then select template,then "add page element",pick *LINK LIST and link away! It is hard enough for virginal blogging women without us attacking each other!My huge BAD!
NANG--You really do need a cool avitar (the picture by your comments). I'm not that proficient at blogging or computers either, but I stumbled across how to create one: click on "view profile",select edit profile, and then click on "photograph". Then I saved a picture to my blog and then copied and pasted the html into the blank. I hope that helps. If you want more specific details, you may have to ask pOnk.
pOnk: On fish- same as here. Notanicegirl.
As far as AFJ site: I was always a bit scared to talk on his Xanga site (think there was one before that too) and just found the afj site that is now linked to salon.com. When I said I read his site all the time it was read in the past tense not as in I do every day. The last time I saw his site was when he posted pieces of passiveaggressivenotes.com, then poof. I thought I was being mistaken for Wally. I remember when he supposedly killed himself when everyone called in with their recordings. What an asshole.
Eagle-- Nang is fine... my name is not a secret or anything but I don't think anyone gives their names.
I knew it was a misunderstanding b/c there was only one person I ever really f-ing got into it with and it was Libra. I truly hate her & got nervous that you were upset b/c I mentioned her...though I doubt it was you coming to her defense.
AFJ is missing...right?
I'll try the link thing for you & maybe instead of catty bitch (seeing as you were so humble) I'll go with...Sperm Burping Gutter Whore? Has a special ring to it nah? Just kidding. I understand- I did miss a ton of the deleted comments so I don't know how pissed you were....probably better that way! I am just pleased that somehow you figured out that I wasn't an impostor..... NEXT COMMENT!!!
I have a great photo of me @ Bucca's putting a giant spoon in my mouth that I scanned & if I can make it small enough, I want to use that! The spoon is the size of my hand. I'll post it with the story of that evening just to see how the scanned image looks in the first place. I laminated it & put flutterbys & flowers on it so I'm hoping for the best!
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