There's some shots of lotus blossoms that I got that are almost surreal. Then I got one of these children shaking the outer shells of of rice grains and the dust coming off of the baskets they used. I just love it. I actually took one of the Brooklyn bridge when we were out on the water and it has been raining that day so there was a ton of condensation and fog obscuring the towers. I developed the film a week or two after 9/11 & it was eerie. I've never shared my work with people because I get shy. If it's for work, they take my cards and I don't have much say in what goes up so it's out of my hands. If it were up to me, they'd get so little that I'd be out of a job. I took some photos inside of Big Ben on a freelance assignment for my friend's company. I'll include that since it's available to me right now.
Whoa! You are on a creative roll today! I'm super jealous now! I can appreciate aesthetic beauty, but alas have never ventured far into the realm of photography--i think it frightens me. Technology frightens me--I think I'm an really old soul who would write with an ink well and send messages via passenger pigeon if it wasn't the year 2007! Hey if you want to email me, I'll post my address on my blog.
I'm afraid of blogging but am getting more comfortable with it... I can be a bit of an old lady. I do email though! Now if I look in the profile, I'll find it?
Those are nice pictures. Maybe I will get some good ones this weekend while I am out camping
Camping huh? Where you going camping at? I've not actually camped in a very long time. I think the last time was at lake George, NY
My daughter and I are going camping in Joshua Tree National Park. It is just North East of Palm Spring CA. I have a Rebel XT. I am going to take my tripod and try and get some good sunset pictures
Holy crap Jimbo! That has been on my wish list for so long!!! I want to go camp there. I've been to Yosemite & Sequoia but not Joshua Tree. How awesome! Please let me know how you make out!
I will post the pictures somewhere so you can see them
We'll figure it out somehow! I'll be jealous but in a really supportive wish I were you kind of way! Have fun!!!!
I've driven through Joshua and camped at Yosemite many times, but I've never been to Sequoia. Is that up by pOnk?
Sequoia is near Yosemite. The redwoods at Sequoia are slightly different than the Coast Redwoods here. Sequoia has girth, we have length.
Those are redwoods? I thought they were over grown Marijuana plants.
perhaps I am thinking of the wrong place as I am thinking back to a trip from 1986. I went to visit family in Salinas. If I remember correctly, it wasn't to far from there. We also went to see the lone Cypress. We ended up drivig from Salinas to Disney. I think they needed to get me into a confined space b/c after my first hour there with my cousins I accidentally stabbed my little cousin in the neck with a dart. It wasn't my fault-she walked right into it.
ah yes. Sounds like you are possibly referring to the Santa Lucia mountains (in southern Monterey) which also has the Sequoia.
Jimbo, the humboldt sinsemillia, while also thickly forested in this area, should not be confused with the Redwoods. Although the prospect of 20' diameter doobies incited many pioneers, early efforts in the 70's to cross-pollinate the two were devastatingly unsuccessful and completely abandoned after numerous forest fires only raised the demand for Screaming Yellow Zonkers and other assorted junk food by fire fighters who simply stood at the blaze and uttered, "wow, man".
In Hawaii, they round up all the pot the can find and take it to a clear sugar cane field and burn it. All you have to do is stand down wind, and it is a free party!!! The local restaurants make a killing when they burn the pot.
If I only was still a pot head. I guess that is what happens when you grow up and get a real job
I think I really am a Republican soccer mom---I've never done weed or any other illegal substance! Not Sandra Dee! Not me!:-) Although, maybe I should get high sometime and finally get a tatoo!
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