I'm so excited for this book. Part of starting my blog was because I had things to say & just can't journal. I don't trust anyone I know well enough with most secrets, thoughts, etc. and have had the displeasure of having a boyfriend go through my journal, write comments & on the next available page write, "If you still want to watch superbowl, call me." F-uuuuccckkkk Yyooouuu P! I should post your full name & address but I don't ever even want anyone to know that I dated you in the first place. So here are a few secrets from the site. I've skipped the more disturbing ones. Check it out for yourself...
i was about 22 when i went to a halloween party as an abused traffic cone.
I can't really comment on the rest of your post having played the part of 'cheating husband'.
nevermind, i should have gone to the site before commenting. I've heard about the 'post secrets' thing - maybe i'm just a cynic, but i wonder how many 'secrets' actually happened and how many were created by people who wanted to add a little drama to their lives.
I hear you. I've cheated on everyone I've ever dated & probably dated more when I was engaged than I'd like to admit. Now I'm doing my best to not cheat & hoping my ex-fiance never finds this blog!! He's scary smart and with a little digging would uncover enough to make the friendly split my life's misery. So I don't know what I'd admit to anonymously when this blog is fairly anonymous and I'm still shit scared! Ha ha!!
Your illustrations are good. I bet you embellish a lot with photography too? I have pondered sketching "stuff" again and scanning it for my blog. I've tried to keep written journals, but it easier and faster to just type fun stuff in a blog.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Oh I pulled the photos from the website I was talking about. I'm far too shy to post my artwork on here. My photos for work go on the website so they aren't always as creative as I'd like- especially runway shots.
I'm glad you are inspired anyway. You should always doodle at least. It's something I do much more of now and they turn out to be the most fun. I'm into sketching designs for clothing now though so that has been a good outlet. Sorry to hear about the hubby stuff. Hopefully it was just a phase & he needed to feel young and wanted. You're great & it's no reflection on your role in the relationship. As for my past-it was always about me wanting newness and to feel wanted no matter how much I loved the person. I just chose to detach emotionally and block my fiance out and have a sercret life. I was just fucked up for a decade or so! How did it work out for you if you don't mind me asking?
Not sure. Still in the apprehensive and little-to-no trust zone. I don't think a relationship can ever fully recover back to "normalcy" or whatever--it will be a different relationship from here on. In my pursuit for answers and maybe a little "I can do what you can do only better", I've learned a lot about men and women and discovered things aren't so black and white for either gender. Especially the longer the relationship and the older we become. I'm just a jaded person with a penchant for self-discovery and devil may care curiosity! I've never been good at playing the "victim" or shied away from a challenge--a wee bit competitive and high strung!
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