The weather was beautiful & I actually decided to mess around with the timer & got two cool shots with Max. (The dog) These are my first attempts at getting on the other side of my lens.
It would have been even better if I didn't look like I was strangling Max! He's alive & well, no worries!

I looked goofy or just pissed but the yard & evergreens & even the pool cover gave me some cool backdrops.

Your pictures turn out really good. It is always hard to take them from the other side of the lens. I hate my pictures taken so I don't have to worry about that. Do you have a remote for your camera?
I like you survey. You give us guys a lot of choices. We are either hung like a horse or a we have a little dick. There is a lot of room in the middle. Unlike womens boobs, we have no power to change the size of Mr. Happy.
Thanks. My Olympus has a remote & it's an old ass camera. It just takes such good photos. I just love that camera. I never mess with these things b/c I feel super exposed when I take my own pictures. I don't even feel that way so much if I let someone else do it. Isn't that odd? I think it's just that I'm supercritical of my work & I'm critical of myself so it's a double whammy.
Yeah I was playing with the survey thing in the customized area & forgot about it.... it seemed like fun when I was bored & counting down to 5pm on Wednesday but now, I'm not so sure! Sorry.. I didn't see it as having such little wiggle room!!
Oh & BTW I think they have surgeries for Mr. Happy but they don't give too much extra real estate so it's probably not worth it.
I have heard of those surgeries too. If they mess them up, Mr. Happy will never work again. I will just be happy with my less than John Homes (not by much) Mr. Happy.
Have you seen the commercials for the "Male Enhancement" pills? I was watching Jack Ass on Comedy Central the other night and every commercial break they have a commercial for the pills. They were the worst. They looked like those local commercials you see for local car dealership when you are in Fresno CA.
Yes, I think they think I'm a male. I get emails for those things too! I'm certainly not interested in enhancing anything of mine!
Oh well! I don't know if I've seen the commercials. I've been skipping by all those things between ReplayTV & Tivo so I don't see too many crap commercials!
Leave Mr. Happy alone!
While Mr. Happy may not be the biggest tool in the shed, he has worked well for many years and I have other tools that will accompany Mr Happy to the job site and help him out. I don't see any reason to mess with the team at this point in the game.
I hear ya. I went through a rebellious piercing phase in HS & there are just some things you don't mess with!!!
Anyway, on to another topic. The thought of a knife or any other sharp object in that general area make me a little squirmy.
Is your Olympus a film camera? I have an old Pentax I am thinking about taking it down and getting it tuned up and start taking some more pictures with it. I was at Disneyland last night and they have it all decorated for Christmas. I want to get back in after closing and take some pictures. There are some really nice shots if I can get all the people out of them.
My Olympus was my first digital. I think it's like 3.4 megapixels which is crazy but I am in LOVE with it!
I have a Pentax! That I what I used in Vietnam to take the pictures of the church & lotus blossoms & wow, I got SO many amazing shots. I need to have it repaired because I just get such a thrill looking at it and holding my little baby that I just cast aside. I won't stop using my Olympus ever. I get some great photos esp. the pics of my pets! How lame is that??
It is not lame. You have things that you have used for many years and you feel comfortable with them. I have an orginal Cresent wrench. It was either my dads or my grandfathers (I think it was my grandfathers) I still use it all the time. It still does the job. I think I am going to get the Pentax out and start taking it with me when I go take pictures. I can compare which ones come put better.
The pentax is just great!!! You have totally inspired me to get it fixed. I also have a funky camera called a lomo minitar which takes realy neat yet odd pics. The shutter stays open for a long time so it ends up giving you some funky photos when you process the film. It takes 35 mm film and is a very funky little russian camera.
I have had a lot of fun with the Pentax. It was actually the bitches (Ex wife) camera. She never used and I took it when I moved out. I think I will pull it out this weekend and see how it is working. There is nothing electronic on it. It is all manual.
my pentax kept shredding the film when i tried to rewind it manually so that's the problem that i need to fix.
The last time I used mine was when I went down to Mississippi after Katrina. I was there just before Rita hit Texas. Every time I tried to take a picture everything fogged up. I finally had to put the camera away. I hope all the salt air did not mess anything up. Now you got me excited about getting my old Pentax out of the closet.
I'm in Floriday today to take my good friend's engagent photos. I just saw my other friend who got engaged (I posted her photo a while back-she has the long blonde hair & a red rose) and my other friend just met me for brunch and she's 6 months preggers! SURPRISE! She's pulled a Christina & waited to tell anyone until it was too obvious to hide. The photos look amazing & she said I can post them if anyone is interested. It was a little overcast but it made the water rough and the wind great so the photos are awesome.
where is "Floriday"? Post them!! I would love to see them.
Florida. I must have heat stroke! I'll post them now.
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