Oh so gross. I went on vacation a few years ago & while we were at the beach in Aruba, one of the men in the group kept getting followed by a woman that looked this way. I love the sunshine & have gone tanning but I also love my skin & the fact that it is not trying to escape from my body. SPF is easy to use...
So anyway I'll be going to St. Barts for a long weekend in Feb. & it reminded me of the Aruba thing. This woman must have lived on the sun for a long time & was very bony and making grunting sounds while following my friend's husband around. I'll have to see if I can get some photos & if he's cool with it being on here. The photos are all of her back so you can see the horror on his face building with each shot! That was some funny shit!

Is this where the infamous knee pit humping took place? How is J? Is he pretending it never happen? You should make him pay for a while:) Make him go to the store and buy you tampons or douche or better yet some vagisil. Sorry, I have an evil streak in me.
There is a link on my blog to the rest of the pictures if you did not find them
I had trouble finding them so I will definately do that!
No. We had a wake last night so I was pretty light on it before. I made a comment & he asked if I hated him too much to discuss it. So after I had a few drinks (on a very empty stomach) I calmly brought it up & very much grilled him on the step by step thought process & my feelings. Apparently he's been sleeping in a different room b/c he's afraid that I'll stab him. Nice. (He'd do that stuff for me on a good day! He has 2 sisters & he was close to his mom)
OK so he will not be embarrassed by buying vagisil (I was not suggesting that you need it either), but there has to be something that will make him squirm:) I know this goes against the guy code to stick up for each other.
Your reference to Magda sent a chill down my spine. I can still picture the scene where she flashed her very droopy boobs out the window. That and Ben Stiller zipping his nuts up in his pants still gives me nightmares. Thanks, now I am going to have to go home and watch the movie again.
Um, I have never left the West Coast of the U.S. and can only aspire to travel up North to Canada or Alaska or out East where you are NANG! So, I have nothing in common with you bitches (not that I'm seething with jealousy right now or anything).
I need to find a sugar daddy to take me overseas or at least to the mile high club!LOL! I've done it in a train, but alas not a plane!
As far as SPF goes, I've been slathering that shit on since I hit my mid-20's like a brick!HA! That is something else for my sugar daddy to do---provide endless facials and body wraps!
Fake boobs and excessive bleach here I come--let the affluent man hunt begin!
No sugar daddy for me! I'm treating for the rental for myself and my friend Shannon. Shannon has a sugar daddy! He's flying us all out there on his private jet. Must be nice to be worth 6.5 billion.... though he's not so nice, old, and kinda ugly. The weirdest part is that she truly loves him. Yet he has many other girls & expects her to be with only him. It's a twisted deal but love or not she has grown attached to that lifestyle.
And who said moeny does not buy you happyness? With 6.5 billion dollars, I would be happier than hell.
Where do I find me a suger momma like that. I could live under those rules. buy me all the toys I want and I will only sleep with her. works for me.
I'm all about female ambition in case you haven't noticed, but having worked for the government as a teacher and a park ranger and trying my luck at business-- I have to admit that it seems much easier to slap on lipstick and become an fellatio expert! I just don't think I could "sell my soul" to do so! BTW--that is great that your friend truly loves him--to each her own!
Yes she does but she puts up with a ton of crap that I don't feel she'd put up with if it weren't so easy to be taken care of. She also puts her feelings on the back burner and there's just something about it that wouldn't work for me. It's not for me but I don't think less of her.
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