Tuesday, July 17, 2007


After my letter to Jose... I've noticed something else that disturbs me about His Homlessness...

Among the list of things he hates i.e. working, showering, shitting on a toilet, having an actual house that is not made of cardboard etc. he hates black people. He being a pretty useless fixture of my neighborhood is actually discriminating when it comes to getting a free meal, or drink, or whatever. I find this offensive. At first I didn't believe my not so great Spanish skills and asked my neighbor who is fluent in both Spanish and sucking dick....getting back to the point.

He provided me with a little social experiment if you will. He told me to watch when the neighborhood florist's boyfriend exited the store. Sure enough Jose starts cursing en Espanol and uttering the word "negro" which I took only to mean the color not the segregated label.

I don't know why I care but I do. I don't like Jose. He scares me. He should be on meds. He should be doing a bunch of things other than shouting racial slurs at people and standing next to the fax machine someone threw out as if it's his new office.

Hell I sit here at work, doing nothing besides reading the internet and blogging but at least I only discriminate against those lazier than me....like Jose...and my mom but that's different.

Ahhh fuck it.

Friday, July 13, 2007


This story was published at MSNBC & has got to be the tale of the dumbest would-be gunman on earth:

WASHINGTON - A grand feast of marinated steaks and jumbo shrimp was winding down, and a group of friends was sitting on the back patio of a Capitol Hill home, sipping red wine. Suddenly, a hooded man slid in through an open gate and put the barrel of a handgun to the head of a 14-year-old guest.
"Give me your money, or I'll start shooting," he demanded, according to D.C. police and witness accounts.
The five other guests, including the girls' parents, froze -- and then one spoke.
"We were just finishing dinner," Cristina "Cha Cha" Rowan, 43, blurted out. "Why don't you have a glass of wine with us?"
The intruder took a sip of their Chateau Malescot St-Exupéry and said, "Damn, that's good wine."
The girl's father, Michael Rabdau, 51, who described the harrowing evening in an interview, told the intruder, described as being in his 20s, to take the whole glass. Rowan offered him the bottle. The would-be robber, his hood now down, took another sip and had a bite of Camembert cheese that was on the table.
'Can I get a hug?'Then he tucked the gun into the pocket of his nylon sweatpants.
"I think I may have come to the wrong house," he said, looking around the patio of the home in the 1300 block of Constitution Avenue NE.
"I'm sorry," he told the group. "Can I get a hug?"
Rowan, who lives in Falls Church and works part time at her children's school, stood up and wrapped her arms around him. Then it was Rabdau's turn. Then his wife's. The other two guests complied.
"That's really good wine," the man said, taking another sip. He had a final request: "Can we have a group hug?"
The five adults surrounded him, arms out.
With that, the man walked out with a crystal wine glass in hand, filled with Chateau Malescot. No one was hurt, and nothing was stolen.
The homeowner, Xavier Cervera, 45, had gone out to walk his dog at the end of the party and missed the incident, which happened about midnight June 16. Police classified the case as strange but true and said they had not located a suspect.
"We believe it is a true robbery," said Cmdr. Diane Groomes, who is in charge of patrols in the Capitol Hill area. But it's one-of-a-kind, she said, adding, "I've never heard of a robber joining a party and then walking out to the sunset."
The hug, she said, was especially unusual. "They should have squeezed him and held onto him for us," she said.
Rabdau said he hasn't been able to figure out what happened.
"I was definitely expecting there would be some kind of casualty," Rabdau said this week. "He was very aggressive at first; then it turned into a love fest. I don't know what it was."
Was it the wine or the cheese?Rabdau, a federal government worker who lives in Anne Arundel County with his family and lived on Capitol Hill with his wife in the 1980s, said that the episode lasted about 10 minutes but seemed like an hour. He believes the guests were spared because they kept a positive attitude during the exchange.
"There was this degree of disbelief and terror at the same time," Rabdau said. "Then it miraculously just changed. His whole emotional tone turned -- like, we're one big happy family now. I thought: Was it the wine? Was it the cheese?"
After the intruder left, the guests walked inside the house, locked the door and stared at each other. They didn't say a word. Rabdau dialed 911. Police arrived quickly and took a report. They also dusted for fingerprints -- so far, to no avail.
In the alley behind the home, investigators found the intruder's empty crystal wine glass on the ground, unbroken.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007



Kate--> You look so beautiful! I'm so happy to see that the crazy old geezer who plowed into your car didn't hurt you. Sorry that the car looks like you hit a short bus full of window lickers! Good luck with that sweetie! Can't wait to get the photos of you in that very hot wedding dress! I guess you aren't supposed to look too sexy as a bride but fuck it! You aren't one to give a damn about what people think anyway so rock it!


Dear Jose,
I understand that you are my neighborhood's resident homeless man but I have some issues. First, it's over 100 degrees outside- why are you wearing a fucking winter jacket? Don't you have a little space in your alley to store it? It isn't as if you are sharing the alley with other box dwellers. Next, I only give you money to keep you from shitting directly next to my car. It's nasty. That doesn't mean I want to shake your hand when I'm walking to and from my apartment. I purposely keeps my hands full so I don't have to be touched. At these times please do not touch my shoulder. Lastly, must you stand outside of my window screaming at every car and person who walks by you? If you must, could you do so in slower speaking spanish as I'm still learning? Mucho gracias. Consiga un trabajo.
All my best & a bar of Soap,